Our Partners

Prayer and Finance

Prayer and Finance 

  • Prayer partners, churches, and individual supporters

  • Major donors, foundations, trusts and charities

Scripture Production

We work with a range of partners to produce scripture in various formats.


Faith Comes by Hearing (produce excellent quality audio versions)  www.fcbh.org


The Jesus Film project (produce The Jesus film based on Luke's Gospel) www.jesusfilm.org

National Bible Society Partnerships


The South African Theological Seminary (SATS) 

In August 2004, SATS (an accredited distance education institution) formally recognised TWFTW’s Diploma in Bible translation as the equivalent of the first two years of their three-year degree in Theology (www.sats.edu.za) 


Literacy and Evangelism International

Based in Oklahoma, USA, this ministry is partnering with TWFTW in the literacy project for the Sena and Lambya people of Malawi.
