Become a Financial Partner
Our Bible translation work is funded though the support of churches, individuals, charitable trusts, and major donors. Donations (one-off gifts or monthly donations) can be made in a variety of ways:
INTERNET BANKING: Sterling Account. Deposits can be made into the following account:
Bank: HSBC
Account name: The Word for the World (UK)
Account No: 31387197
Sort Code: 40-18-09
For International payments:
IBAN: GB85HBUK40180931387197
Please specify your name, and mention how you would like your gift to be used in the reference line (General; Translation; Training; Literacy; Specific TWFTW worker; Specific project/language group etc).
CHEQUES made payable to "The Word for the World (UK)".
Please send to TWFTW, Hartham Park, Hartham Lane, Corsham. SN13 0RP.
ONLINE DONATIONS can be made through the Stewardship site (the DONATE button on this page will also take you there), or through our PayPal site (giving button on the right)
Stewardship processes all donations & Gift Aid for TWFTW UK (3% admin fee).
Gift Aid. If you are a UK tax payer please click here Gift Aid form to download the form. Once completed, please post to TWFTW, Hartham Park, Corsham SN13 0RP.
Legacies are one of the most valuable ways you can support a charity. Please consider giving a charitable donation to TWFTW through your will. Giving up to 10% of your net estate can reduce inheritance tax liability significantly.