There is on going and constant research about the remaining needs for Bible Translation. The Forum of Bible Agencies International enables agencies to network together and inform others what they are doing to avoid duplication of efforts and to maximises use of resources.
A ministry called Every Tribe Every Nation (ETEN) has gathered major Bible Agencies and Donors together to tackle the unfinished task. They have just released a statement that the task is greater than was thought. The number of languages without any scripture was thought to be 1,559, but latest research shows there are still 2,184 with no scripture at all.
The Word for the World is growing in its recognition in the world of Bible translation and we are moving steadily towards our goals for our vision of translating the Bible into 500 languages by 2050. Please click on the link to view our latest video.
Please consider sharing this video with your church or home group to make them aware of the unfinished task of Bible translation, and The Word for the World's work. We need more prayer and financial partners to continue to reach our goals for a Bible in every language by 2050. We could not do this without your support.