Abate is one of four translators working on the Basketo Old Testament project. He is married and a father of five children, three girls and two boys. He came to Christ when he was 14 years old. After he become a believer, his father chased him out of the house. The father told him to stop following this strange religion and if he did not, he would not belong to the family anymore.

Abate stood firm in his faith and left his father’s house. He went to his uncle´s place and asked to live with his family. Fortunately, the uncle was willing to welcome him. Coincidentally, the uncle of Abate was in need of a boy who could take care of his livestock. This was a good opportunity for Abate to follow Christ by serving in his uncle’s house without any opposition.

Abate started serving the Lord when he was very young. When he was 15 he was already involved in youth leadership in the local Church. Since then he has been serving in the Church with deep commitment. For 27 years he served as a youth leader, in the childrens’ ministry, as a development and financial officer in the Basketo area. Please consider supporting the Basketo Translation Team.

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