What a privilege it was to have 21 consultants in training (CITs) of The Word for the World visit Israel for two weeks in March! We had 7 CITs from 1ndia, 6 from Ethiopia, 2 from Nigeria, 2 from Tanzania, 1 from Slovakia, and 4 from South Africa. In the above photo the group is overlooking the temple mount in Jerusalem. From this viewpoint Abraham may have stood as he viewed mount Moriah when God asked him to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. This is also where the temple was later built.

We attended a 2 week intensive training programme offered by Jerusalem Centre for Bible translation. It was funded by one of our major donors to help us train and empower our national consultants. We received certificates for the course called “The text in context” from the University of Jerusalem.
The training entailed lectures as well as tours throughout Israel from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea and Beersheba in the South. We also travelled to Galilee along the Jordan River, to the Golan heights, and also to Caesarea and Ashdod on the Mediterranean coast.

We had an exciting boat trip on the Sea of Galilee and it was amazing to see all the places where Jesus taught and performed so many miracles.
We visited many archeological sites and learned so much about the geography, agriculture and seasons of the Bible. This tour to the Bible land was life-changing for us all, and it will greatly enhance our ability to ensure the translations of TWFTW checked by our consultants will be accurate and of a very high standard